San Juan Nepomuceno

Prayer to San Juan Nepomuceno against slander, defamation and gossip

Protector and lawyer San Juan Nepomuceno,
that despite the time since your glorious death,
has not been known so far
that who, with true confidence and hope,
welcome your holy and powerful patronage
has been left without favorable response in your requests.

They are without number, Saint John Nepomuk,
My pious protector,
the wonders that God has done, and continues to do,
for your mediation worldwide
for the relief of all kinds of needs.

I trust that I have to be one of those with thanks
witness your great mercies
with the favorable dispatch of my present pleas;
If for my misery I do not ask you properly
the pleas to please God,
straighten them, I beg you,
interceding with our most powerful Mother,
the Blessed Virgin Mary,
which is the means where everything comes to us from God,
and the one that by grace has in his hand
the Divine Omnipotence,
so that my claim is granted:

(ask for what you want to achieve).

Saint John Nepomuk,
lawyer of good name and honor,
Tell me to remove all infamy and lies from me,
all talk, bad language, defamation,
false testimony, slander and humiliation,
all intrigue, dishonor, bad reputation and public confusion
that anywhere threatens me,
and grant me that I enjoy
of the honors and goods of the earth, do not lose the eternal
that the Lord has for his elect
prepared in heaven.


Pray the Hail, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

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