Learn the PRAYER FOR MOTHERS who have children far away

The prayers for mothers who have children far from their homes are effective in maintaining a conversation with our Lord that intercedes correctly for our children. When you suffer from such difficult moments, as is the case that occurs when you are far from our lives, physical withdrawal causes us great concern, that is why we implore your protection. At the moment we pray we have the opportunity to accompany them with God, through the spirit, in addition to this, God becomes their guide, who protects them from any disturbing element in their life.

 prayer for mothers

  1. Prayer for mothers
  2. Mothers prayer
  3. The children who are far away
    1. The family

Prayer for mothers

We thank you, my Lord, for each one of the mothers in the world. Your God entrusted the duty of giving life to women and in turn raising them. This care causes their pain at the distance of a child to become a great weight for them.

That is why I ask you that just as you gave him the ability to give life together with you, your mercy alleviates the anguish of a son's distance. Let all women who go through this learn to understand your will.

Look at each mother who has children far from home, strengthen her faith in you and allow her sadness to be replaced by hopes that her child will have a better life. Give love to her and her children. Allow him to have great courage to face his pain, do not allow him to feel fear. I ask that in these dark and uncertain moments hope will encourage their lives, grant them happiness.

Bless mothers and allow the Holy Spirit to comfort her soul, show your mercy and give her strength to move on, amen.

Sentence 2

Lord Jesus, you who are our savior, allow the pain of mothers who have children outside their homes to pass, through your love and mercy. I ask you to recognize your love and tenderness in them, seeking to alleviate their hopelessness after this situation.

prayer for mothers

May they learn to understand that your will is blessed, the correct one to improve the lives of your believers, just as Mary understood it. Allow your child to be present at all times in his life despite physical distance. We thank you for your mercy and love for mothers, amen.

Mothers prayer

My dear Heavenly Father, I come to you, my faithful creator, in order to ask you for my son, because he is far from me. Unlike me, you have the virtue of being close to him, that is why I ask you for his safety.

God, I beg you please, that within your infinite glory and mercy, guide him and help him walk. Allow him to be able through his faith and love for you to overcome every obstacle that comes his way in life, so that my son can succeed.

You are my Creator, the only one capable of giving him his hand and filling him with blessings, allow my son to count on your divine protection my Lord. I beg you, my dear God, to go with him. I beg you to keep his exit and also his entrances.

Today I ask you Lord to wrap him with your glorious cloak and allow him to have your grace. Please I ask you to walk in front of him, be his protective shield. Guide him in the nights of darkness, in those days when the shadows take over the path of the people.

May your blessed light guide him, allow your voice to be his main motivation and orientation, admit that your love responds to you. Lord, I ask you to listen and heed my prayers, be his main support in the stumbling blocks on his way.

My dear Savior Jesus, I ask you to shield him and seal his spirit of protection, that he does not allow evil to dominate his life. I ask you my Lord that you grant him much health and also do not allow him to suffer from hunger.

Bless and sustain his path, do not let him lack anything. May evil depart from his life, I declare and trust you my Lord, amen. (See: New Testament)

Sentence 2

My God, I give you the lives of my children so that you bless them. Allow them to always be with you through faith and love. I will have the commitment to educate them to love you eternally, I ask you to keep them for their glory in return.

I beg You my Lord that as long as I am away from their lives, selfishness, ambition and evil will not lead them astray. May my Lord allow my children to have the strength to act in the face of evil and not remain immobile before its power. Let your actions be blessed and focused on the good.

May the evil of the world not affect my son, Lord. Well you know how weak we are and how tempting it is for us. That is why I place my children under your tutelage and protection my Lord. (Learn more about prayer for brothers)

 prayer for mothers

Allow their lives to be full of light, strength and joy, to improve any situation on earth. I beg you to admit that my children live for you on earth and in your kingdom my Lord. May we all together as a family enjoy your company forever, amen.

Sentence 3

Father you who are in heaven, I ask you to sanctify the path of my children. I thank you my Lord for sacrificing yourself for us and for freeing us from our sins, which is why I trusted you blindly.

Today I beg you, my Lord, that the lives of my children be before you, you are the one who knows them best and you know what is inside their hearts. You know the situations that she suffers from far away from her family, that is why I ask you Father to love her and protect her.

Guard my children from evil my Lord, that danger does not dominate their lives. Let my children be brave warriors, believers in your mercy, that evil has no power in their life.

Let your love rise over my children. I beg you to forgive their sins and cleanse any action that you do not like them to perform, with the purpose of being a much better person. (Be sure to learn more about the faith in God)

 prayer for mothers

Do not let my dear Lord suffer from hunger, protect my children from diseases and give them the opportunity to pass through the gate of heaven under your blessing. May my son return home soon guided by your glorious mercy, I ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, amen.

Sentence 4

Blessed are you my Creator, I thank you because it is through you and your infinite mercy that my children and I have life. I thank you for such a good family that you have given me and the training that you have allowed me to give my son.

That is why I ask you to protect him because he is far from home. May your eyes remain open during the day and watch over your home at night. I ask for your departure and that you always maintain a good life.

Bless their growth, that they become good and strong people. Bless each step they take and allow their decisions to be the most suitable for their lives, my dear Father.

I ask you for the life of my son and especially for his heart, because I do not want his heart to harden for reasons related to pain. That he is capable of loving and his motivation is based on helping others. Let him love you and his faith is never demotivated. Do not forget that his parents will always be there to fight his battles with him.

 prayer for mothers

Bless his finances, with the objective that he lacks nothing, allow him to have the necessary strategies and tools to improve his life every day, always in your name my Lord.

May he enjoy harmony and wisdom, may he always be under blessings and your divine mercy. Protect your life from any evil. Please my Lord hear my prayers for my son and bless his life in the name of your son who died on the cross to save us from sins, amen.

The children who are far away

Mothers are beings of light to whom God gives the mission of raising and developing the elements required for another human being to be a person of faith and love for others, a being full of goodness. That is why when they are away from their homes, mothers are distressed, after this there are prayers that allow them to be protected by God and maintain a happy life.

When children leave home, they undergo a process of metamorphosis that often affects the mother, as they will no longer be able to protect their child in the same way. Praying for mothers who have children outside their homes allows God to protect them from all evil and any evil that may come into their life.

This process of concern of mothers is a normal reaction since they are in charge of protecting them from the moment they are inside them. They are the ones who take care of their children and that is why their commitment leads them to feel difficult the distance that they may have to handle when a child grows up.

 prayer for mothers

However, it must be understood that the law of life indicates that children should spread their wings and put aside life in the maternal home. This process is difficult for mothers, as their treasure will not be under their protection (See more about: Jesus story)

Form home

This, then, is one of the main reasons why protection prayers are made for children, which also allow them to form their own home. When the children are far away, it is sought to ask that they forge a future full of success where they form a home of their own. (Don't miss out on knowing how to keep a communion with god)

There are many reasons why children are away from home, it is important to know that this should not be torture, as this may mean that they are not having a very good time. That is why prayer for mothers provides the opportunity for God to give his mercy to each of our children, who are his children on a spiritual level.

On the other hand, it is important to ask God that being away from home allows you to improve as a person and develop your skills. That is why prayer is perfect to keep our children motivated to evolve.

We must concentrate on asking God that any danger that surrounds him will disappear from his path. That is why parents entrust the lives of their children to the word of the Lord through prayer, that is why the Creator is our guide.

 prayer for mothers

The family

On many occasions, parents pray for their children in search that their remoteness brings with it a new stable and blessed family nucleus, as was theirs while they were there. (You are interested in knowing about the prayer asking God for help)

Every parent who loves their child seeks stability at home and the wisdom necessary to handle the conflicts that come with having a family and raising their own children.

On the other hand, when a prayer is being made for our children for their new family, we should also seek to ask that our lives be away from selfishness. Well, we must understand as parents that they also have to go through what we go through and in this way evolve as human beings. Compression is part of the love we have to give you.

Despite the fact that on many occasions the process is complex to understand as parents we should feel happy. Well, these are successes and achievements of our children, because that's what we raise them for.

The bible in Exodus 20:12 indicates that it is necessary as believers to honor our parents, it is more for this reason this is a commandment of God. This allows us to have a good and long life and in addition to that, it is the best example that is given to children. Well, our children will always develop their lives according to how we have treated our parents.

That is why parents are happy that their children make their own home, blessed by the eyes of God. On the other hand, if you feel sad because of the withdrawal that this situation implies. But you should therefore seek to put that aside and focus on your happiness only.


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